Upaya Zen Center, Santa Fe, NM – Upcoming Events

I first saw Roshi Joan Halifax at the NY Open Center’s Art of Dying Conference back in 1997 or so. She spoke with great clarity and conviction at that time and was one of the incredible speakers at that conference who changed my outlook on death and dying and started me on the path to edit The Great Adventure, write Caregiver Revolution, create this website, and  points beyond. Roshi Joan went on to start the Upaya Zen Center and it is now a beacon of enlightened death and dying teachings here on the planet.

There’s a lot going on at Upaya including Meditation, Zen Buddhist Retreats, Chaplaincy Training and End-of-Life Care.

Upaya Zen Center is a residential Buddhist community located in beautiful Santa Fe, NM. As a Zen center, we offer daily meditation which is open to the public, a weekly public Dharma talk which often highlights Buddhist teachings, a residential Path of Service program, and weekly retreats and workshops focusing on practices related to engaged Buddhism, how to live in our world responsibly, with affection, kindness and wisdom.

Feb 24 – 26: ZEN MIND, BEGINNER’S MIND: An Introduction to Zen Meditation with Sensei Beate Genko Stolte.

March 2 – 4: FUNDRAISING FROM THE HEART with Lynne Twist.

March 12 – 13: THE DHARMA OF LIVING SYSTEMS AND THE WORK THAT RECONNECTS with Joanna Macy. Limited spaces available.

March 20 – 22: TRAUMA RESILIENCY MODEL LEVEL I TRAINING with Laurie Leitch and Elaine Miller-Karas.

April 1: ZAZENKAI: A daylong silent meditation retreat. For more info or to register, click here.

April 6 – 8: COMING HOME: A Buddhist Retreat on Easter and Passover with Sharon Salzberg and Roshi Joan Halifax.

April 12 – 15: RETREAT ON CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICE AND RITUALS IN SERVICE TO THE DYING with Frank Ostaseski and Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD.

April 27 – 29: ZEN MIND, YOGA BODY with Do-An Robert Thomas and Samantha Ostergaard.

This entry was posted in alzheimers, bereavement, buddhist, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver stress, caregiving, catholic Prayer, cranio sacral therapy, death and dying, dementia, end of life care, energetics, Energy Healing, grief, grieving, healing, hospice, hospice care, hospice nursing, Meditation, mindfulness, nursing, palliative care, prayers for the dying, qi gong, reiki, seva, social work, Spirituality, sufi, tai chi, tai chi exercises, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan buddhism, touch for health, yoga, zazen, zen. Bookmark the permalink.