Guaranteed to reduce your stress. Easy to download and guaranteed free of malicious software, viruses, malware, and bad karma. Filled with GOOD karma.
In this day and age of frustration and hopelessness, you can actually do something to help yourself and others with these prosperity path orbs.
Here’s how it works:
- You click <title=”healing virtual environment” href=””>here to go to
- Find the orb that you want to run (there are over 100)
- Click on “download” button, and a window will pop up asking how you want to pay the 99 cents to download this orb (virtual environment). If you have a paypal account you can pay that way. If you have a credit card you can pay the 99 cent fee that way. It will only ever be 99 cents and there will be no spam or malicious websites trying to get to your computer. I promise that.
- After you get your orb downloaded, (it will take about 10 minutes), you follow the easy instructions to start playing.
Here’s the important part. When enter the orb, you can press the “p” key and enter your name or the name of a person you would like to run for. If you run for the benefit of another you will get benefit as well. That is the great secret of the orbs and of this line of work. More on this later.
Now you can get to work! Stress and Specialty Orbs