How to do a Reading

Listed below are some simple steps to help you in doing a prayer or reading. We don’t presume to tell anyone how to perform his or her spiritual practice. That is a personal matter left to the individual. What we present here are some techniques that we hope will help you in your practice.

Doing a spiritual reading or a prayer is fairly straightforward. The most important factor is your intention. If you want to help someone that’s the most important thing. That’s the big secret. All you really have to do is want to help! Your good wishes will be conveyed with the prayer. The form of the prayer and the way you perform it are not as important as your good intention.

Step 1: Find a place to do the Reading

Find a location where you will not be disturbed for 15 to 20 minutes. It does not need to be a private space – just one where you will not be required to move or interact with others during the Reading.

Step 2: Gather the few materials you will need for the Reading

Gather the following items: 

  • Name of the individual for whom you are reading 
  • Sacred text you will be reading from, such as The American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold
  • Photograph of the individual for whom you are reading (if available)

The name and photograph are used in establishing contact with the Voyager – the individual the Reading is directed to.

For the next 4 steps see: 6 Steps to Doing a Reading

May this be used for the benefit of all beings everywhere. 

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