What Could I do that was Real in the Face of all that Suffering

Just yesterday I received this email from a friend which seemed important to share.

Several years before working with EJ Gold, I had a personal and direct experience of endless realms of suffering. It became necessary to answer the question of ‘what could I do that was real’ in the face of all that endless suffering.  I was drawn to Bodhisattva path where one chooses to live with dignity and courage and radiates compassion for all, no matter where they find themselves. 

But how does one walk that path of real commitment, which requires seeing the confusion, ignorance, and suffering of oneself and others? It’s messy and deep, to face our ignorance, confusion, fear; we have to look at it, study it, work with it  It begins with a simple willingness to being of service to others and taking responsibility for ourselves. We cannot count on others to do it for us. It is our responsibility.  But we need the tools to accomplish our task.

Quantum Magic Videos

For me, using the Quantum Magic Videos with the power of presence, loving awareness and attention create a field of deep interconnection with others and self-transformation. Recently, I had been experiencing a state of hopelessness and despair due to the deaths occurring with the pandemic. When I began a daily practice of working with the Clear Light QVM for those voyagers known and unknown who are transitioning, I had the experience being surrounded by a field of prayer, like being connected briefly to a universal prayer wheel.

My favorites are Clear Light, Blessings and Protection QMVs.  When I am experiencing personal difficulties, negative emotions, or confusion, I find the Dissolving Radiations videos to be very helpful. I am deeply grateful for the Quantum Magic Videos which empower me to work on myself and to be of service in the world as a daily practice.

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