Step 8 – Do a Quick Relaxation

Choose a word, a sound, a prayer, or a phrase in your own belief system. Even a simple word will do: “one,” “peace,” “calm,” “All is one,” or choose a visualization – a rose, cross, light, sacred object. Now, make sure the body is free of tension. Use a process of mental repetition to go through the body: “I am relaxing the feet, I am relaxing the feet, the feet are now completely relaxed.” Go up the legs, through the trunk, arms, shoulders and face. Now, when relaxed, on the in-breath and again on the the out-breath, inwardly or quietly say your word or phrase or do your visualization. When you notice a different thought has come to mind, don’t get stressed about it just let it go and come back to your repetition. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes, and then close with a deep breath and simple closing statement, ie “Thank you,” “Peace,” “Shalom.” This is very effective!!

This is from our pamphlet: 10 Steps to Beat Caregiver Stress

Drawings by Lin Larsen

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