A Great Opportunity for Caregiving Organizations

Innovations in Caregiving Awards

This looks like a terrific program. Find past innovation award winners here and you will see what I mean!

Please join us on November 29th (3PM EST) for a webinar on the 2013 Innovations in Caregiving Awards. Five previous winners of these awards will be presenting on their creative programs serving caregivers of older adults. Applicants are encouraged to register for this webinar here.

The National Alliance for Caregiving, with generous support from the MetLife Foundation, is pleased to present the 6th annual Innovations in Caregiving Program. Ten organizations will be awarded $10,000 in seed funds to replicate one of the previous winning programs. The National Family Caregiving Awards Replication Guide, which contains descriptions of previous award winners, can be opened here. Eligible applicants must be a 501c3, non-profit organizations. The request for applications can be found here. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2013.

For additional information or questions, contact Rick Greene at the National Alliance for Caregiving, nac.innovations@gmail.com or (443) 962-7497.

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