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Category Archives: death and dying
Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness
A very thorough and well written article from Harvard Health publications. Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness.
Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver support, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, End of Life Care, hospice, hospice care, terminal illness
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A prayer for times of crisis and for healing
This is a multi denominational, multi dimensional prayer for times of crisis and for healing. The prayer can be addressed to the being of another for proximal or distant healing and it can be used in critical situations for staying … Continue reading →
Posted in bereavement, buddhism, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, healing, hospice, mindfulness, palliative care, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, Spirituality
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Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
On this beautiful Easter morning, here is an article that you might want to read, consider and reflect upon. In very few words it says a lot. Regrets of the Dying.
Posted in aging, cancer care, death and dying, death and dying, elder care, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, palliative care
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A Little Catholic Prayer book to help those who are dying
From the website – This book gathers in one place those rites at which a layperson may preside, according to Church law, in the absence of a priest or deacon. They are gathered from Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist … Continue reading →
Posted in cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiving, catholic Prayer, death and dying, end of life care, prayers, prayers for the dying, spiritual care
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An awesome end of life care resources website!
DYING, SURVIVING, AND AGING WITH GRACE I did a google search for the phrase: prayers for the dying. The Great Adventure, I site that I started years ago, is doing very well there, but I found the above site and … Continue reading →
Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, elder care, end of life care, End of Life Care, hospice, Hospice care, prayers, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying
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True and Original Definition of Hospice
“You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but to live until you die.” -Dame Cicely Saunders
Posted in aging, alzheimers, care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, dementia, eldercare, hospice, hospice social work, palliative care, prayer for the dying, social work
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