Category Archives: phowa

Labyrinth Readers Society – Ongoing Events

Here is an updated listing of ongoing LRS related events. The LRS meeting and information forum is on Facebook All schedule times below are in Pacific time. Locations can be subject to change. Many of the events are held … Continue reading

Posted in death and dying, death and dying, end of life care, Labyrinth Readers Society, labyrinth readers society, labyrinth reading, labyrinth reading, phowa, prayers for the dying, spiritual care | Comments Off on Labyrinth Readers Society – Ongoing Events

Phowa: A Guided Meditation to Help Another at the Time of Death

Phowa: A Guided Meditation for Time of Death This is an advanced meditation though it can be done by anyone of any religion or belief, you would simply substitute your (or your loved one’s) deity or symbol into the meditation … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, buddhist, clear light, death and dying, death and dying, end of life care, phowa, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying, readings for the dying, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Phowa: A Guided Meditation to Help Another at the Time of Death

Eight Buddhist Prayers to Benefit the Dead

This is a beautiful e-book (about 30 pages) with prayers about death and dying from a Buddhist perspective: Eight Buddhist Prayers to Benefit the Dead  

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, buddhist, death and dying, death and dying, hospice care, phowa, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism, tonglen | Comments Off on Eight Buddhist Prayers to Benefit the Dead

Practice of Phowa

The Practice of Essential Phowa taken directly from Copyright 1997 C. Longaker and Rigpa Fellowship: “Facing Death and Finding Hope” and the website   First sit quietly and settle yourself, bringing all the energies of your mind and body back … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, christine longaker, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice care, Meditation, phowa, prayers for the dying, rigpa, sogyal rinpoche, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan buddhism, tibetan buddhism | 1 Comment