Litany of Lives that Matter

In the clear light, I am a form with a familiar face

In the clear light, I am energy in motion in time and space

In the clear light, I was born, and this remains my base

In the clear light, I pray, enlighten me with grace

In the clear light, I work, until another takes my place

In the clear light, I play, enjoyment I do embrace

In the clear light, I move, light speed is my pace

In the clear light, I live, eternity’s timeless trace

In the clear light our universe abides

The clear light is in all and everything

The clear light strings our universe along endlessly

The clear light is the base and background

The clear light is our birthplace home and destination

In the clear light I was born

In the clear light I was born on planet Earth

In the clear light planet earth is my home

The clear light is my home

In the clear light I am a form with a familiar face

In the clear light I am energy in motion in time and space

In the clear light I was born

In the clear light I live

In the clear light I work

In the clear light I play

In the clear light I pray

In the clear light I am a form with a familiar face

In the clear light I am energy in motion in time and space

In the clear light I live

In the clear light I will die

To the clear light I will return

The clear light is my home

In the clear light I am a form with a familiar face

In the clear light I am energy in motion in time and space

In the clear light I was born in America

In the clear light I am in a small state

In New England in the North East of America

On the North American continent

In the western hemisphere of a small blue planet

Orbiting at a distance of 93,00,0000 miles

From a small yellow sun

In what writer Douglas Adams referred to

As the unfashionable end of a western spiral arm

Of the Milky Way galaxy

In the clear light I am a form with a familiar face

In the clear light I am energy in motion in time and space

In the clear light American lives matter

In the clear light North American lives matter

In the clear light Central American and Caribbean Lives matter

In the clear light South American lives matter

In the clear light Western Hemisphere lives matter

In the clear light Antarctic people’s lives matter

In the clear light the peoples of New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and all other Island Nations lives matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light South East Asian lives matter

In the clear light Central Asian lives matter

In the clear light Indian Subcontinent people’s live matter

In the clear light Middle Eastern Lives matter

In the clear light Mediterranean lives matter

In the clear light African lives matter

In the clear light Sothern European lives matter

In the clear light Central European lives matter

In the clear light Northern European lives matter

In the clear light Eastern European lives matter

In the clear light Central and Northern Asian, Siberian lives matter

In the clear light Artic people’s lives matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light American lives matter

In the clear light Native American Live matter

In the clear light European American lives matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light African American lives matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light Asian American lives matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light Latino American lives matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light Middle-Eastern American lives matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light Americans from the Indian subcontinent matter

In the clear light the lives of descendants of slaves, immigrants and refugees matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light American Lives matter

In the clear light the lives of Americans of all political views matter

In the clear light Democratic lives matter

In the clear light Independent lives matter

In the clear light Republican Lives matter

In the clear light Socialist lives matter

In the clear light Green party lives matter

In the clear light the lives of Americans of all political views matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light people of all religious beliefs matter

In the clear light Buddhist lives matter

In the clear light Christian lives matter

In the clear light Hindu lives matter

In the clear light Islamic lives matter

In the clear light Jewish lives matter

In the clear light people of all religious beliefs matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light the lives of people of all genders, sexual orientations,

gender identities and gender expressions matter

In the clear light men’s lives matter

In the clear light women’s lives matter

In the clear light cis-gender lives matter

In the clear light gay lives matter

In the clear light lesbian lives matter

In the clear light bi-sexual lives matter

In the clear light the lives of questioning people matter

In the clear light transgender lives matter

In the clear light the lives all people on the gender spectrum matter

In the clear light the lives of all people under the rainbow matter

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light if you did not hear a description of you

In the clear light brothers and sisters your life matters too

In the clear light acceptance matters

In the clear light tolerance matters

In the clear light kindness matters

In the clear light Peace matters

In the clear light compassion matters

In the clear light forgiveness matters

In the clear light wisdom matters

In the clear light joy matters

In the clear light happiness matters

In the clear light non-violence matters

In the clear light transcendence matters

In the clear light Positive Strengths and Virtues Matter

As noted by Seligman and Peterson

In the clear light Strengths of Wisdom and Knowledge Matter: 

In the clear light Creativity [originality, ingenuity] matters

In the clear light Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, and openness to experience] matters

In the clear light Open-mindedness [judgment, critical thinking] matters

In the clear light Love of learning matters:

In the clear light Perspective [wisdom] matters

In the clear light Strengths of Courage matter 

In the clear light Bravery [valor] matters

In the clear light Persistence [perseverance, industriousness] matters

In the clear light Integrity [authenticity, honesty] matters

In the clear light Vitality [zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy] matters

In the clear light Strengths of Humanity: interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others matter

In the clear light Love matters

In the clear light Kindness [generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, “niceness”] matters

In the clear light Social intelligence [emotional intelligence, personal intelligence] matter

In the clear light Strengths of Justice: civic strengths that underlie healthy community life matter

In the clear light Citizenship [social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork] matter

In the clear light Fairness matters

In the clear light Leadership matters

Strengths of Temperance: strengths that protect against excess matter

In the clear light Forgiveness and mercy matter

In the clear light Humility / Modesty matter

In the clear light Prudence matters

In the clear light Self-regulation [self-control] matter

In the clear light Strengths of Transcendence: strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning matter

In the clear light Appreciation of beauty and excellence [awe, wonder, elevation] matter

In the clear light Gratitude matters:

In the clear light Hope matters

In the clear light Humor matters

In the clear light Spirituality matters

In the Clear Light there is only the Clear Light and all else is illusion – including me and you

Be gentle in your encounters among Beings

pb 4/2020 version