Tools for Spiritual Caregiving, Health Care Workers, Clinicians

My ebay shop, YARDSALEHEAVEN is up and running, full to the brim with delightful miniatures, shrines, amulets, art, books and many other tools for spiritual caregiving for family members, clinicians, professionals and health care workers.

cd caregiver orb

Here’s the idea. We try to put some mindfulness into our daily efforts while helping others, and all of the tools listed here are designed to help your efforts. It’s difficult to add FUN, spirituality, attention and mindfulness to your care, especially in a fast-paced profit-based hospital or nursing home. But that is why most of us got into this line of work, because we want to help others.

Now imagine the home environment of a lone caregiver taking care of his or her loved one, friend or family member. After many weeks, months and even years it seems almost impossible to add enthusiasm or energy.

These are the exact situations that can really be helped by these tools!

If you or your loved one needs a boost in your energy or enthusiasm, take a quick look at   our shop.

I personally recommend the AMULETS to start. They give a very nice boost and can be worn simply as they come. Here’s a nice description of the CQR devices,

The CAREGIVER ORBS require a little technical knowledge, you have to insert the DVD into a computer and open the file. If you download one of the other remedy orbs, such as Attention, Blessings, Clarity, Cancer Killer, Forgiveness, Inspiration, you will need a paypal account and the ability to download and open a file.

The BOOKS require some effort in that one has to read them but I guarantee that they are very effective living tools, especially the American Book of the Dead.

So please take a look at the tools, and realize that I am putting new items up every day, so check back often. You have to put some effort into it, very minimal I guarantee. I don’t want to waste your time and want to give you the biggest bang for your buck. Thanks!

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, mindfulness, Mindfulness, orbs, remedy orbs, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Tools for Spiritual Caregiving, Health Care Workers, Clinicians

3 End of Life Planning Resources

  1. How to Plan a Funeral is a pretty darn good guide to the process of planning a funeral with concise information presented in an organized accessible way.
  2. Natural End furnishes information about planning a simpler, more natural burial and a map of providers of same. 
  3. Final Fling is a terrific guide and community resource for all end of life matters…and, if I may add,with a nice sense of humor!

Posted in advance directives, bereavement, death and dying, death and dying, end of life care, End of Life Care, funeral, hospice, hospice, palliative care | Comments Off on 3 End of Life Planning Resources

Urthgame Orbs and the Bodhisattva path

Urthgame Orbs are a special kind of video game designed to coach you through a mindful “meditation in action” that will cleanse your karma and attend to a multitude of life issues. Of special note is the fact that you can run these Orbs on behalf of another — making these an integral part of the Bodhisattva path.

Posted in bodhisattva, caregiver, computer gaming, senior citizens, spiritual care | Comments Off on Urthgame Orbs and the Bodhisattva path

The Benefits of playing Online Games

The following list of benefits is only a partial list of skills that can be learned and strengthened by playing certain specific online games, one of which is Diablo II Lord of Destruction*.  More information on how to get started can be found at:

We are part of an effort to bring gaming to the elderly because the benefits are so great.

inventory screen diablo spiritual gaming

What’s in your back pack?

Strengthening Attention
Using Sensing
Applying Discernment
Handling panic/fear
Increasing speed of decision making
Exercising Patience
Having to utilize Organization skills
Learning Team value
Non reliance on bodies
Learn typicalities
Transcend typicality
Learning Good communication skills
Practicing Courtesy
Applying Leadership
Improve IQ
Hand-eye coordination
Advanced computer skills
Map reading
Life and gaming strategy
Psychic abilities
Apperception (Art of seeing many things at once, also known as multiple attention)
Self observation

“It has helped me see habitual patterns that I do in day to day life. Seeing patterns of behavior. I react the same way and in similar patterns in the game as I do in life. And I am trying to keep an open mind as to what else may happen.” — DB, Sacramento, California
“It’s intense. It’s really incredible attention training. You do have to spread your attention, and you can’t let it lapse for a moment. It’s good. I want to do it again next week.” — JR, Stevensville, Maryland
“I would like to tell that the training is a great experience because it is possible to learn a tool as this videogame where it is possible to see all your attitude in life and change it very quickly.” — AB, Gauriate, Italy

* with some other good games being Zelda, Team Fortress and (now unavailable) Quake.

We currently run several safaris, (group games) each week. If you are interested please get in touch.


Posted in aging, aging, care giving, care giving, care giving, elder care, gaming, gaming, mindfulness, senior citizens, spiritual care | Comments Off on The Benefits of playing Online Games

Readings from the American Book of the Dead


American Book of the Dead Facebook Forum

Excerpts from readings of various chambers of the American Book of the Dead with powerful illustrations from the Clear Light and 60 Second Karma Wash Orbs. Beautifully done. Thank you!


Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiving, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, End of Life Care, Energy Healing, hospice care, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Readings from the American Book of the Dead

Six Taoist Healing Sounds

A very good video from Sat Chuen Hon with clear demonstration and concise explanation of the principles of the 6 Healing Sounds Qigong.

Posted in Energy Healing, healing, healing, qi gong, qi gong, tai chi | Comments Off on Six Taoist Healing Sounds