In honour of the Passing of Stephen Levine


who dies LevineWho Dies? was and continues to be a life changing book for many people. It served to open my eyes to the conscious death and dying movement with such pioneers as Ram Dass, Joan Halifax, Christine Longaker, EJ Gold, Robert Thurman, Therese Shroeder-Sheker, and, of course, the Dalai Lama and many other Tibetan Rinpoches.

The Art  of Dying Conferences in NYC in the mid-late 1990s were seminal events. They brought many of these pioneers together. Thousands of people gathered to hear about an enlightened new approach to holistic hospice and enlightened dying. Hospice was blooming. New practices were happening every day.

It has continued. Hospice, though severely constrained by a ridiculous pricing model gains popularity one patient and family at a time. We now use terms in our day to day vocabulary (palliative care, mindfulness) that were new at that time.

Of course these conscious death and dying practices are ancient and well practiced by certain advanced civilizations. But they are unknown to us in the west, and slowly, slowly we reawaken to them…

Posted in buddhism, death and dying, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, Hospice care, Meditation, palliative care, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on In honour of the Passing of Stephen Levine

A New App for Caregivers


Looks interesting, free (?) and  the vanguard of what will be many similar products. Definitely worth checking out, especially if  you are tech savvy. Care Angel

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Links for the JFS Caregiver Conference

Here are some recent articles for and about caregiving that are all very interesting. Especially noteworthy is the National Alliance for Caregiving article about the nationwide caregiving survey, conducted with AARP.

I highly recommend Google Alerts which will send articles about whatever news topic you like (in this case caregiving) directly to your email.

A Dozen Things You Should Never Say To A Caregiver  

Blogging: a Powerful Outlet for Caregivers – US News

Caregiving in the U.S. 2015 | National Alliance for Caregiving

Caring For A Spouse Holds Unique Challenges

Dementia also takes toll on unpaid caregivers, study shows

Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide | Baycrest

Memory: Foster resilience in caregiving

Preparing for a ‘Silver Tsunami’

Self-absorbed millennials? Not the ones who are caregivers for their elders.

Senior Housing Focus of Seminars

The Largest Unpaid Healthcare Workforce You’ve Never Heard Of Is Going Digital

Why some advocates are trying to push caregiving onto the 2016 presidential agenda



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How long term stress affects your body

How Stress Can Make You Sick

Posting this in preparation for the talk I will be giving at the JFS Caregiver Conference  entitled: Stress?  What Stress???Source of video: TED-Ed – How stress affects your body

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, mindfulness, Mindfulness, stress relief, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on How long term stress affects your body

According To Psychologists, Coloring Is The Best Alternative To Meditation 

Sooooo…lets get drawing and coloring!coloring mandala

Source: According To Psychologists, Coloring Is The Best Alternative To Meditation 

and see also:  The Therapeutic Science of Adult Coloring Books 

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver stress, Meditation, Meditation, Mindfulness, mindfulness, stress relief, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on According To Psychologists, Coloring Is The Best Alternative To Meditation 

Spirituality & Practice: Sacred Presence with the Dying

This e-course with Megory Anderson is one of three on end-of-life issues in Spirituality & Practice’s Elder Spirituality Series. They demonstrate how death and dying is a multi-faceted process affecting not only the dying but all those around them. Each e-course is $49.95.

Spirituality & Practice: Resources for Spiritual Journeys | E-Courses | E-Courses | Spirituality & Practice

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, prayers for the dying, spiritual care | Comments Off on Spirituality & Practice: Sacred Presence with the Dying