How to get to the PVA


How to get to the Prosperity Virtual Ashram:

Beginning steps are to register and download the secondlife platform:

The ashram is a virtual environment that is hosted on a platform called secondlife. Secondlife is easy to join and the viewer is also straightforward to download.

You can see a youtube video detailing this entire process at:

1.Go to
2.Click on the “play for free” button.
3.Choose any avatar to start. This can be changed at any time. Click on next.
4.Enter a user name and click next.
5.Enter your email, birth date, a password, and answer to a secret question that is used if you forget your password.
6.Select free account.
7.Download and install.

This actually can all be done for you by someone else. In other words, someone can create an account for you if they have your email address, but you will still need to download the secondlife viewer software onto your computer in order to access the ashram on that computer. You can’t get to the ashram simply by visiting a website.

Now it’s time to go to the ashram. Set up a time to meet with someone in the ashram and give them your user name. Also, see if you can get their phone number so that you can call them if you have any problems.
1.Double click on the secondlife icon on your computer desktop screen.
2.Agree to the terms of service agreement
3.Enter your user name, your password and type this address in the “start at” bar: Prosperity Ashram

Congratulations, you made it!
You have now completed the most challenging part of getting to the ashram and in truth don’t need to learn much more except a few details which your guide can help you with in the ashram.

Two quick areas to get familiar with.
One area to get familiar with is the sound and media area. Start by clicking the “me” tab up in the upper right corner, then the “preferences” tab and then “sound and media.” This will be a very good place to know about when you want to adjust the volume of what you are hearing, and also the volume of your speaking when you hook up a microphone. Right next to the “me” tab is the “communicate” tab and if you click that and “nearby chat” you will be able to type ionto the conversation log and also see what others are saying near to you. This is invaluable.

There are 4 ways to move round in the ashram; walking, running, flying and teleporting. Use your arrow keys or your left mouse button to walk. To use mouse, click on the ground in front of you and you will walk to that spot. Walking will suffice for now, but someone might send you a teleport so that you can quickly move to a different area of the ashram, (the ashram is big with many different settings and unique locations). If someone sends you a teleport link, simply right click on that link and select “teleport.” It will ask you to confirm that y ou do want to teleport and say, yes.

One last thing is to be aware that you can sit on meditation cushions in the ashram. Again, Right click on the cushion and select the option to sit or meditate.

Here is a full line up of training videos for the ashram from Jim Hodgkinson:

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Group Orb Run tonight

healing readings for others

You Can DO Something to Help Others







Hello friends. Tonight’s Tuesday night Group Orb Run will take place at the Hobbit Hut (in the Virtual Ashram) as there is now a campfire circle, Very nice!

It’s easy to get to the Ashram, go to and choose an avatar. Download the free environment. Go to the link below, (which will be at the ashram) then please tell us/send us your avatar’s name. We will help you learn how to navigate in the SL platform.

If you have not attended the Group Run, we meet in the ashram and then as a group go “out” and run the Clear Light Orb for seven repetitions of the reading.. Each of us does the run for the benefit of another or others, whose names we take from this forum. If you’d like to request a run for another, please do so here or at the run.You can download the CL Orb here: Urthgame – Clearlight Orb

If you can’t download the orb for any reason we can help you with that. Another option is to do Clear Light Readings while the rest of us do the orb run. In addition, the audio from the orb is streamed into the ashram during the run, so you can simply stay in the ashram and work with that reading. Also, a youtube video of the clear light orb run is here, so you could join in by watching this during the group run. Youtube – Clearlight Orb Run

Whew, so many options! Apologies for the length of this post. Hope to see you tonight, 7pm Pacific time where we meet every Tuesday at the Hobbit Hut.

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To the dying, spiritual caregivers can be godsend

To the dying, spiritual caregivers can be godsend 

A good article, and  so very nice to see the word godsend in print…



Posted in advance directives, aging, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, elder care, end of life, End of Life Care, Hospice care, prayers for the dying, spiritual care | Comments Off on To the dying, spiritual caregivers can be godsend

How to Use My Orbs

How to Use My Orbs to Program & MetaProgram the Human BioComputer & Beyond | Gorebaggs World.

Here it is, the comprehensive list of the orbs as described by their creator, Mr. Gorebagg himself. Find them at

Posted in caregiver stress | Comments Off on How to Use My Orbs

Free Webinar on Death and Dying

Free Webinar on Death and Dying – An Adidam Presentation.

death and dying

I am sorry that I didn’t get this posted earlier (webinar is happening tonight) and hoping that these folks will have more of these in the future. Easy Death is a classic and has been reviewed on this website.

Da Free John had some interesting transformations and has now passed but it appears that his community is keeping up the good work.

Posted in aging, death and dying, End of Life Care, palliative care, prayers for the dying | Comments Off on Free Webinar on Death and Dying

Reduce stress in this beautiful, safe, virtual environment

Guaranteed to reduce your stress. Easy to download and guaranteed free of malicious software, viruses, malware, and bad karma. Filled with GOOD karma.

In this day and age of frustration and hopelessness, you can actually do something to help yourself and others with these prosperity path orbs.

Virtual Healing Stress Relief
Stress Relief  Virtual Environment

Here’s how it works:

  1. You click <title=”healing virtual environment” href=””>here to go to
  2. Find the orb that you want to run (there are over 100)
  3. Click  on “download” button, and a window will pop up asking how you want to pay the 99 cents to download this orb (virtual environment). If you have a paypal account you can pay that way. If you have a credit card you can pay the 99 cent fee that way. It will only ever be 99 cents and there will be no spam or malicious websites trying to get to your computer. I promise that.
  4. After you get your orb downloaded, (it will take about 10 minutes), you follow the easy instructions to start playing.

Here’s the important part. When enter the orb, you can press the “p” key and enter your name or the name of a person  you would like to run for. If you run for the benefit of another you will get benefit as well. That is the great secret of the orbs and of this line of work. More on this later.

Now you can get to work! Stress and Specialty Orbs


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