Contemplative Care for the Dying

Excellent article on compassionate end of life care.

Being the bridge – Guest Voices – The Washington Post.

“For end-of-life clinicians or caregivers, being the bridge to what’s next demands courageous presence in the face of death, the ability to listen without needing to fix the problem, maintaining compassion and avoiding empathy fatigue while caring for many suffering and dying patients.”

Posted in aging, bereavement, buddhism, care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, nursing, palliative care, prayers for the dying | Comments Off on Contemplative Care for the Dying

A Buddhist Prayer for the Dead and Dying


 A Buddhist Prayer for the Dead and Dying
The Five Powers to Develop for a Happy Successful Death 


A Buddhist Prayer for the Dead and Dying

Oh Buddhas and Bodhisattvas abiding in all directions,
Endowed with great compassion,
Endowed with foreknowledge,
Endowed with divine eye,
Endowed with love,
Affording protection to sentient beings,
Please come forth through the power of your great compassion,
Please accept these offerings, both actually presented and mentally created.

Oh Compassionate Ones, you who possess
The wisdom of understanding,
The love of compassion,
The power of doing divine deeds,
And of protecting in incomprehensible measure,
[………..] is passing from this world to the next,
[He/she] is taking a great leap,
The light of this world has faded for [him/her],
[He/she] has entered solitude with their karmic forces,
[He/she] has gone into a vast silence,
[He/she] is borne away by the great ocean of birth and death ..…

Oh Compassionate Ones, protect [……….] who is defenceless. Be to [him/her] like a mother and father.

Oh Compassionate Ones, let not the force of your compassion be weak, but aid them.

Let [………..] not go into the miserable states of existence.

Forget not your ancient vows.

The Five Powers to Develop for a Happy Successful Death

1. The Power of the White Seed: purify negative karma with the 4 powers of regret, reliance, remedy and resolution; give up attachment to your possessions and make offerings of them; meditate upon refuge in the 3 Jewels, give rise to positive thoughts such as Bodhicitta; reaffirm your commitment to whatever spiritual goals and values you cultivated during your life

2. The Power of Intention: develop in your mind strong, positive resolutions such as not allowing your mind to come under the influence of negative, disturbing emotions; or not letting your mind be separated from the altruistic attitude of Bodhicitta

3. The Power of Remorse: remembering the disadvantages of the disturbing emotions, protect yourself from being overwhelmed by them

4. The Power of Prayer: make strong prayers never to be separated from Bodhicitta, not to be dominated by the misconception of self or the disturbing emotions, to obtain a fortunate rebirth in the next life to be able to continue your practice of the Dharma, etc.

5. The Power of Familiarity: utilize whatever difficulties you face at the time of death to reflect on the teachings, e.g. the suffering nature of samsara, and to develop compassion for all beings; when the time of death comes, lie on your right side with your right ring finger blocking your right nostril (this is the posture the Buddha adopted during his Parinirvana); meditate on “taking and giving”; and on the emptiness of true existence of all things

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, buddhist, cancer care, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, Spirituality, zen | Comments Off on A Buddhist Prayer for the Dead and Dying

A Great Opportunity for Caregiving Organizations

Innovations in Caregiving Awards

This looks like a terrific program. Find past innovation award winners here and you will see what I mean!

Please join us on November 29th (3PM EST) for a webinar on the 2013 Innovations in Caregiving Awards. Five previous winners of these awards will be presenting on their creative programs serving caregivers of older adults. Applicants are encouraged to register for this webinar here.

The National Alliance for Caregiving, with generous support from the MetLife Foundation, is pleased to present the 6th annual Innovations in Caregiving Program. Ten organizations will be awarded $10,000 in seed funds to replicate one of the previous winning programs. The National Family Caregiving Awards Replication Guide, which contains descriptions of previous award winners, can be opened here. Eligible applicants must be a 501c3, non-profit organizations. The request for applications can be found here. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2013.

For additional information or questions, contact Rick Greene at the National Alliance for Caregiving, or (443) 962-7497.

Posted in aging, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiving, elder care, end of life care, home care, spiritual care, stress relief | Comments Off on A Great Opportunity for Caregiving Organizations

Caregiver Emergency Pack – Special Offer!

For a limited time only! Purchase Caregiver Revolution: 5 Easy Steps to Enlightened Caregiving and receive a  CaregiverInstaFixCD, our popular booklet on How To Do a Reading for the Benefit of Another, a bar of very pure and beautifully scented Egyptian Musk Soap, White Sage Aromatic Oil and either a Lord’s Prayer Pin or Tibetan Prayer Wheel Pin for only $54.95.  (See paypal link below)

*Sorry, at this time we are out of incense – price reduced to $54.95

That’s all of the items pictured below* (choosing one of the pins) for an unbelievably low price (retail value more than $70.00) and you can pay through Paypal below with shipping of $7.95.

caregiver emergency kit

Caregiver Emergency Kit

Pin Selection

Coming Soon: Tibetan Bowls, Patient Empowerment Booklets and optional add-ons including prayer boxes hand crafted by the Hudson Valley artist Judy Gonzalez!

Caregiver Revolution infuses caring for others with enthusiasm and hope. It will give you all the tools you need to:

  • Organize the home environment
  • Reduce stress
  • Create a care circle,
  • Practice “here and now” mindfulness in the midst of the hectic caregiving environment.

Straightforward and practical methods are provided for dealing with crisis situations as well as how anyone can be gracefully present with someone who is dying.

With a light and accessible tone Caregiver Revolution’s practical information is supported by real-life anecdotes and whimsical illustrations.

cd caregiver orbThe InstaFix CD allows you to work for the benefit of your loved one immediately, with no special skills required. Simply insert the CD in your computer, and run through the orb. Your loved one will accrue the benefit of your genuine good wishes and intentions.

Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions please contact us

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving | 1 Comment

Family Caregiver Month

The National Family Caregivers Association ( encourages caregivers to:

• Believe in Yourself – Try to maintain a positive attitude by recognizing your strengths and limitations.

• Protect Your Health – Try to maintain your physical and emotional health and well-being. Your good health is the greatest gift you can give your loved one and your entire family.

• Reach Out for Help – Reaching out and asking for help is never a sign of weakness, rather it demonstrates strength and a keen awareness of your own abilities and sense of self.

• Speak Up for Your Rights – Be knowledgeable of the issues surrounding your loved one’s diagnosis and treatment options. Advocate for your loved one and develop strong self-advocacy skills for not only your loved one, but for you as well.

We believe it is important for places of business to recognize that employees are often providing care for loved ones and may need assistance. As a community member, you can take action by delivering dinner to a caregiving family once a week, offering to provide the caregiver a short break, or providing transportation. The Family Caregiver Support Program at the Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) can offer advice and check on options that may be in your community depending on availability, eligibility and other factors. As more and more individuals are being cared for at home by loved ones and friends, there is an even greater need to have as much caregiving support options and services available as possible. We will continue to advocate for caregivers and advocate for the continuation and growth of support services and programs to best benefit their needs. To learn more, please call us at 1-800-582-7277.

via Family Caregiver Month – The Pike County News Watchman: Community.

Posted in aging, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, end of life care, End of Life Care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Family Caregiver Month

November is National Caregivers Month – Upcoming Conferences

caregiver revolution cover

November is National Caregiver’s Month!

Many many caregiving events are coming up in the month of November including 2 local conferences, St. Francis Hospital and Jewish Family Services and one major event in New Jersey later this week. Caregiver Revolution will have tables at all these events and here’s what we will be offering: Tools for Spiritual Caregiving PDF.


Posted in aging, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, Energy Healing, mindfulness, palliative care, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, Spirituality | Comments Off on November is National Caregivers Month – Upcoming Conferences