Mount Ida Summer Program

The Mount Ida program sets the standard in grief therapy and bereavement work education. It happens every summer in late July. It offers programs such as: Traumatic Grief, Supporting the Bereaved, Children’s Grief, Bereavement Support in a Group Setting, and Techniques for Reflective Practice. See the entire program here: National Center for Death Education Summer institute.

Highly recommended by all of us here at Caregiver Revolution!

Posted in bereavement, bereavement, caregiver support, death and dying, end of life, grief, grieving, hospice care, pastoral care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Mount Ida Summer Program

National Plan for Alzheimer’s

The Obama admin came out with a new website and plans for fighting Alzheimer’s. See Alzheimer’s plan outlined. I personally dislike the terminology of “fighting” a disease. It often seems it’s the only way that our western medical system knows how to approach a medical condition. Can we work on prevention? Can we work on a maintaining healthy life style? I will be posting about eastern approaches to maintaining mental health and happiness in the upcoming weeks.

Posted in aging, alzheimers, alzheimers, caregiver support, caregiving, dementia, eldercare, end of life care, Energy Healing, prayers for the dying, senior citizens | Comments Off on National Plan for Alzheimer’s

Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness

A very thorough and well written article from Harvard Health publications.

Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness.

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver support, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, End of Life Care, hospice, hospice care, terminal illness | Comments Off on Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness

New Survey about Caregiver Stress

Caregiving hurts health, costs sleep –

The stresses of caregiving are real. How do you manage them?  By walking or exercising, practicing mindfulness on the details, BREATHING etc etc, all as outlined in Caregiver Revolution!

Posted in care giving, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, end of life care, hospice care, spiritual care, stress relief, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on New Survey about Caregiver Stress

Senior Moments…

You’re sure to get a chuckle out of this: Senior Moments

Posted in aging, care giving, care giving, care giving, humor, senior citizens | Comments Off on Senior Moments…

A prayer for times of crisis and for healing

This is a multi denominational, multi dimensional prayer for times of crisis and for healing. The prayer can be addressed to the being of another for proximal or distant healing and it can be used in critical situations for staying focused and present. The Clear Light Prayer can be said for those involved when you witness an accident on the road. It can be said, (usually repeated 3-7 times at least 2x per day) for those who are passing. See the clearlight website for some other ways that this beautiful and simple prayer can be helpful.

The Clear Light Prayer

Now I am experiencing the Clear Light of objective reality. Nothing is happening, nothing ever has happened or ever will happen. My present sense of self, the voyager, is in reality the void itself, having no qualities or characteristics. I remember myself as the voyager, whose deepest nature is the Clear Light itself; I am one; there is no other. I am the voidness of the void, the eternal unborn, the uncreated, neither real nor unreal. All that I have been conscious of is my own play of consciousness, a dance of light, the swirling patterns of light in infinite extension, endless endlessness, the Absolute beyond change, existence, reality. I, the voyager, am inseparable from the Clear Light; I cannot be born, die, exist, or change. I know now that this is my true nature.

From American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold

Posted in bereavement, buddhism, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, healing, hospice, mindfulness, palliative care, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, Spirituality | Comments Off on A prayer for times of crisis and for healing