Eye Openers

Here’s a list of authors that may totally change the way you think about the medical world, alternative medicine and healing. Provided by a friend who has been doing research in this topic for many many years, these are the top recommendations.

Broda Barnes – hypothyroidism

William Jeffries – Safe Uses of Cortisol

Abram Hoffer – Cure Schizoprenia

Emmanuel Revici – groundbreaking work with cancer

Max Gerson – cancer

James Wilson – adrenal fatigue

Ok, start there. I’m starting too. Thanks Eugene.

Posted in aging, aging, alzheimers, cancer care, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver, caregiver stress, chi kung, elder care, elderly, energy healing, healing, mindfulness, prayers, qi gong, senior citizens, spiritual care, stress relief, zen | Comments Off on Eye Openers

The Goodbye Party

In our book Caregiver Revolution we talk about the end of life celebration. This party looks pretty close to what we are talking about!

Timothy Leary also had a “custom” festive departure back in 1995 and laid the groundwork for many others:

TIMOTHY LEARY is dying, and he is delighted to talk about it. A sensualist to the end, he is charting his last few minutes on earth, or at least the last few that anyone can be certain of, making sure that the nation’s death industry will not spoil this, the experience of a lifetime.

“It’s called designer dying,” he explained cheerfully into the speaker phone at his house in Beverly Hills the other day. “It’s a hip, chic, vogue thing to do. It’s the most elegant thing you can do. Even if you’ve lived your life like a complete slob, you can die with terrific style.”

See a full NY Times article about his preparations for dying or search Tim Leary: The Art of Dying to see a film.


to explore.



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What will you talk about…

A thought provoking article by a hospice chaplain.

My Faith: What people talk about before they die 

I’d like to thank Greg Schneider of  Hospice Community Forum for alerting me to this blog.






Posted in aging, bereavement, books of the dead, buddhism, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, dementia, end of life, end of life care, energy healing, exercises, homecare, mindfulness, palliative care, spiritual care, zen | Comments Off on What will you talk about…

Review of Caregiver Revolution

Here’s a nice review of our book in an excellent Hudson Valley magazine, The Chronogram.


Posted in aging, aging, buddhism, buddhism, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, elder care, eldercare, exercises, healing, mindfulness, qi gong, senior citizens, spiritual care, spiritual care, stress relief, tai chi, yoga | Comments Off on Review of Caregiver Revolution

Holistic Health Seminar in New Paltz

New Paltz Holistic Health Seminar: A monthly meeting of Healers and Alternative Health Care Practitioners.

 Second  Thursday of the month, NEXT WEEK Feb 9th from 6-8pm, at the Sanctuary on Academy St. in New Paltz.

Each meeting will include a discussion of one holistic modality presented by an expert in the field.

First meeting: An introduction and discussion of patient advocacy led by Eugene Gauggel

Please respond if you would like to present and let us know what your topic will be.

Thank you – Grant Abrams and Eugene Gauggel

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiving, chi kung, death and dying, elder care, end of life care, energy healing, exercises, healing, healing, home care, hospice, life review, mindfulness, qi gong, spiritual care, stress relief, stress relief exercises, tai chi, zen | Comments Off on Holistic Health Seminar in New Paltz

Life Story Telling – In Your Own Words

I am overjoyed to be witness to the growing popularity of life story (life review) projects such as StoryCorps, which now has a spot on NPR and is doing terrific work. I’m also happy to see that a friend, Betty Marton, is doing similar work at her site In Your Own Words.

Telling one’s life story should be a part of everyone’s life, and hearing his or her elders’ stories should be a part of everyone’s youth. How better to keep tradition, wisdom, and the richness of life intact on our fragile planet?

Though it may seem like an easy process, I can tell you from experience that story telling goes better and easier if handled by a dedicated professional. It can be done by the family, but the elders are more likely to open up in the hands of a skilled interviewer and better stories will often be the result.

Betty offers the valuable service of facilitating, interviewing and collecting life stories. But she goes a few steps further; she follows through and presents a finished project. She also offers this service to organizations and is knowledgeable about other aspects of the work:

An ethical will can enable you to share your hopes, values, and wishes for family and loved ones; a book of remembrance of someone who has passed is a valuable way to collect and preserve memories; and a wedding book with stories of the couple, as individuals and together, is a wonderful way to celebrate the future.

Get in touch with Betty today. Your stories can come true!



Posted in aging, alzheimers, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, dementia, elder care, elderly, end of life, end of life care, healing, home care, home care, homecare, life review, mindfulness, senior citizens, spiritual care, spiritual care, story telling | Comments Off on Life Story Telling – In Your Own Words