A Poignant Medicine Buddha Posting

This posting came through the Medicine Buddha list serve. It points out that we need to be vigilant…we never know when or how illness and death will come to us. Even those of us who think we have some kind of practice will face the total inability of our physical body and mind to handle illness. We are in the hands of grace at all times. It is a privilege of this life that we can do readings and prayers for the benefit of others.

“I received the Medicine Buddha empowerment from the Dalai Lama in 2009 and I recite the mantra every day as a basic commitment. Throughout June and July I had a serious case of pneumonia and I wanted to chant the mantra and remember Medicine Buddha to help heal my sickness. The thing that gets me is that my lungs were so bad that I actually couldn’t recite the mantra because it took too much air away and my mind was too foggy to even remember the mantra clearly, even though I recite it just about every day. Despite this difficult situation, I was able to picture Medicine Buddha on my heart (because I also had heart trouble, which was related to the pneumonia) and this seemed to help. But the other stuff I can’t explain. The only mantra I could say without pain and lack of air was the Tara mantra. I had difficulty remembering Tara’s mantra as well. Can you imagine that?!?
Now that I am feeling much better (although I am still recovering and the pneumonia is still hanging on in a milder form). I find it hard to believe that I was so sick that I couldn’t say a simple mantra and I could hardly remember it. This only goes to show that we’d all better prep for death.
When illness comes, one never knows what the mind will be capable of. Since I could have been at death’s door several times during my ordeal, I realize how dangerous samsara really is and how fragile even our Dharma knowledge can become when ones mind is ravaged by fever, illness and partial delirium – all of which I experienced during my illness.”
medicine buddha

medicine buddha

Posted in aging, buddhism, buddhism, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiving, death and dying, end of life care, healing, healing, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, palliative care, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on A Poignant Medicine Buddha Posting

Spirituality and End-of-Life Care Bonus Package

Spirituality and End-of-Life Care Bonus Package

Just discovered this on Hospice Foundation of America’s website. This site is well worth exploring; many excellent resources.

Posted in aging, bereavement, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, death and dying, elder care, elderly, end of life care, healing, home care, homecare, hospice, hospice, hospice care, palliative care, palliative care, senior citizens, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Spirituality and End-of-Life Care Bonus Package

Caregiver Revolution Reviewed in New Perspectives Magazine

Please take a moment to check out the review in New Perspectives Magazine written by Davida Katherine Maron. Thanks to Iven Lourie  at Gateways publishing for making this happen.

Posted in aging, alzheimers, bereavement, buddhism, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, dementia, elder care, end of life, end of life care, exercises, healing, homecare, hospice, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, palliative care, palliative care, spiritual care, spiritual care, stress relief | Comments Off on Caregiver Revolution Reviewed in New Perspectives Magazine

Do you want to give a Presention at a Nursing Conference?

American Holistic Nurses Association
Request for Proposals for 2012 Annual Conference

2012 logo


AHNA invites you to submit proposals for the 2012 Annual Conference, Holistic Nurses: Catalysts for Conscious Change, by September 7, 2011 (Poster abstracts will be accepted until December 1, 2011).  The conference will be held June13-16, 2012 in Snowbird, UT at the Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort.

The purpose of this conference is to “Empower holistic nurses to transform their knowledge and passion into purposeful, conscious intentional action for the highest good of humanity and the planet.”


  • The world is changing at an unprecedented rate.
  • Information abounds.
  • American public is demanding health care that is available, health and wellness oriented, provides options, is economically feasible, is compassionate/respectful and grounded in holistic ideals.
  • Professional education necessitates preparing practitioners to practice in a more comprehensive and holistic manner.
  • Research demands a more holistically oriented perspective.

Holistic nurses have the knowledge and skills to meet these challenges; however, their contributions and expertise have not been realized on a broader scale.  This conference will explore the potential and opportunities for holistic nursing to expand its influence at this pivotal moment.

The Conference Objectives:

Explore the concept of Empowerment in holistic nursing as a foundation for creating and implementing personal and social change.

Examine tactics to effectively articulate and operationalize/integrate holistic nursing’s unique vision and contributions to the wellbeing of society.

Create strategies to advance holistic nursing’s philosophy and practices in education and practice settings, research, and the public arena.

Equip holistic nurses with skills/approaches to participate meaningfully in health care evolution.

Proposals are being accepted for preconference workshops, workshops, research papers, research posters and non-research posters. Eligible proposals must reflect the theme, purpose, and objectives of the conference and topics may apply to practice, education, research, aesthetics and personal & professional development.

All submissions must be relevant to nurses.   Proposals will be accepted until 11:59 PM (PDT) on September 7, 2011. Research and  poster proposals will be accepted until December 1, 2011. Nurses, physicians, healthcare and other professionals are welcome to submit proposals.


Click here for more information, submission guidelines and links to the required, online proposal forms.


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An all purpose prayer

We just added this page which is an all purpose prayer or reading for anyone who is going through transition, crisis or simply needs some spiritual support.

Posted in aging, alzheimers, books of the dead, buddhism, buddhism, cancer care, caregiver, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, dementia, elder care, end of life care, energy healing, home care, hospice, mindfulness, palliative care, spiritual care, zen | Comments Off on An all purpose prayer

One of the most enjoyable (and funniest) caregiving sites we’ve found

Welcome to Geezer Planet…aging and caregiving will never be the same…

Posted in aging, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, elder care, elderly, end of life care, homecare, hospice, hospice, humor, mindfulness, senior citizens, stress relief, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on One of the most enjoyable (and funniest) caregiving sites we’ve found