Patricia Elizabeth – Book Signing Party

caregiver book signing poster

Friday, July 1 · 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Truffle Shop
408 Broad St.
Nevada City, California
Patricia Elizabeth
This is my second book signing and I hope you can make it!!!

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Caregiver Tips and Tools

Check out our new section above, Caregiver tips and tools. You will see the drop down or start right in on Tip 1. Every day or so we will be adding a new and easily implemented practical TOOL that you can use in your care giving work. These will help you keep that good attention and presence in  your caregiving work. Right? This is not only for family caregivers but also for clinicians. THANKS!

Posted in aging, buddhism, buddhism, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, elder care, end of life care, energy healing, exercises, home care, hospice, mindfulness, palliative care, palliative care, stress relief, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on Caregiver Tips and Tools

Book release party!


Tues. June 21, 7 pm



You can benefit from caregiving if you’re able to: accept the reality of your present caregiving situation, realize the importance of the work that you’re doing and make efforts to manage your caregiver stress. Then  you apply a few simple tools and techniques of mindfulness. It’s that simple. That’s our premise…and our promise. With this attention you can help others in transition because you can stay focused on the needs of the present moment during a crisis.

Posted in aging, alzheimers, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, elder care, elderly, end of life, end of life care, energy healing, exercises, healing, home care, homecare, hospice, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, palliative care, senior citizens, spiritual care, spiritual care, stress relief exercises | Comments Off on Book release party!

Are You A Mindful Caregiver?

Here’s a good introduction to the concept of mindfulness for caregivers, from Caregiver Magazine.

Are you a Mindful Caregiver?


Posted in aging, buddhism, cancer care, cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, elder care, end of life, end of life care, energy healing, exercises, healing, healing, home care, homecare, hospice, mindfulness, spiritual care, spiritual care | 1 Comment

Some Major Conferences coming up in June

If you haven’t taken a look at our conference calendar then you might not be aware that some big conferences are coming up in June. The Holistic Nursing conference starts next week in Louisville and it is FANTASTIC. If there’s ANY way that you can get there you should!

We had planned to go with  our book but we are just too busy here so we hope to see you there next year!

The FICCDAT conference is a major disability and caregiving event.

Later in the month is an important bereavement  conference which we attended many years ago and it is THE clinical professionals standard in this field.

June 2-5 AHNA Conference Louisville KY – Holistic Nursing Conference. We’ll be there!

June 5-11 FICCDAT-Toronto (includes family caregiving track) Canada – Caregiving, Aging, Disability and Technology

June 22—25 Making Connections: Dying, Death and Bereavement in the Global Community
Pre-conference Institute June 21—22, 2011
InterContinental Miami – Miami, FL
Join your peers in thanatology for this exciting event, a combined meeting of the International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society and the Association for Death Education and Counseling

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Three Beautiful (Catholic) Prayers for the Dying

The Friends of the Poor Souls -3 Prayers for the dying

This is a very nice story which includes some prayers. The prayers seem to build in intensity and by the time you finish the third it is quite a powerful experience.

While on this site I clicked on the name of Sister Mary Magdalena. She lived an intensely spiritual life and had times of ecstasies as described below:

From the time of her clothing with the religious habit till her death the saint’s life was one series of raptures and ecstasies, of which only the most notable characteristics can be named in a short notice.

    • First, these raptures sometimes seized upon her whole being with such force as to compel her to rapid motion (e.g. towards some sacred object).
    • Secondly, she was frequently able, whilst in ecstasy, to carry on work belonging to her office–e.g., embroidery, painting, etc.–with perfect composure and efficiency.
    • Thirdly–and this is the point of chief importance–it was whilst in her states of rapture that St. Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi gave utterance to those wonderful maxims of Divine Love, and those counsels of perfection for souls, especially in the religious state, which a modern editor of a selection of them declares to be “more frequently quoted by spiritual writers than those even of St. Teresa”. These utterances have been preserved to us by the saint’s companions, who (unknown to her) took them down from her lips as she poured them forth. She spoke sometimes as of herself, and sometimes as the mouthpiece of one or other of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity. These maxims of the saint are sometimes described as her “Works”, although she wrote down none of them herself.

    This ecstatic life in no wise interfered with the saint’s usefulness in her community. She was noted for her strong common-sense, as well as for the high standard and strictness of her government, and was most dearly loved to the end of her life by all for the spirit of intense charity that accompanied her somewhat severe code of discipline. As novice-mistress she was renowned for a miraculous gift of reading her subjects’ hearts–which gift, indeed, was not entirely confined to her community. Many miracles, both of this and of other kinds, she performed for the benefit either of her own convent or of outsiders. She often saw things far off, and is said once to have supernaturally beheld St. Catherine de’ Ricci in her convent at Prato, reading a letter that she had sent her and writing the answer; but the two saints never met in a natural manner.

    See the Catholic Encyclopedia

Posted in aging, bereavement, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiving, caregiving, catholic, Christ, death and dying, death and dying, elder care, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, prayer, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Three Beautiful (Catholic) Prayers for the Dying