First Annual Leadership Summit

From our friends at

Dorland Health will host the first Leadership Summit on May 11, 2011 in Washington DC at the National Press Club for members of the care coordination team to facilitate a cohesive bond between professionals who make up the care coordination team through active learning and networking and sharing. The Leadership Summit brings together case/care managers, medical directors, clinical nurses, social workers, behavioral, rehabilitation and other leaders responsible for care coordination, patient and family education and empowerment, and transitions of care– to learn, network and share strategies they will take back to their individual organizations to enhance their programs as well as add to their own professional development.

The Leadership Summit will convene a faculty at the center of healthcare innovations who will share information on the power of collaboration, share new tools that will aid providers in delivering care that is based on evidence, and introduce cutting-edge technologies that are in many ways redefining and enhancing the way care is being delivered to meet the individual healthcare needs of consumers.

The morning of the Leadership Summit will open with a keynote presentation from Richard Bankowitz, MD, the chief medical officer of one of the largest healthcare alliances in the country, representing more than 2,500 hospitals and 72,000 other healthcare sites. Dr. Bankowitz’s unique insight will provide the audience with an unparalleled look into how the highest-performing healthcare systems are improving care while containing healthcare costs. The afternoon keynote offers a glimpse into one of the most incisive healthcare policy groups in the nation. Deborah Trautman, executive director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Policy and Healthcare Transformation, will offer a bird’s-eye view of the intricate world of health policy – and the leadership qualities members of the care coordination team need to possess to influence health policy.

A morning time slot is set aside for faculty and peers to brainstorm and share ideas on pressing, every day challenges leaders share that impact productivity and outcomes that demonstrate the value their teams bring to the industry.

Dorland Health’s Leadership Summit has applied for continuing education credits for nurses, case/care managers, disability professionals, social workers and behavioral health professionals. For more information on Dorland Health’s Leadership Summit: Where the Best Minds in Care Management Meet go to

For questions, contact: Kim Luna at or Anne Llewellyn at

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GWish News and Events

GWish News and Events

From our friends at GWish:

SUMMER INSTITUTE: Interprofessional Spiritual Care Focus of
2011 Summer Institute, July 25-29

Interprofessional spiritual care—the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients’ spiritual needs in the context of their physical and emotional needs—is the focus of the 3rd annual Spirituality and Health Care Summer Institute sponsored by the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish).

Participants work in small interprofessional groups to learn about and practice taking a spiritual history or assessment, and then work together to diagnose spiritual distress and develop treatment plans for cases presented with standardized patients. Participants also explore the role of their own spirituality in the context of their call to serve and patient relationships. The integration of spiritual care in outpatient and inpatient clinical settings is addressed with implementation models for clinical settings.


Physicians, chaplains, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, administrators, educators—everyone working for a better healthcare environment for patients, families, and one another.

GWish News and Events

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A Surprising Find

Every once in a while we stumble upon a site that honestly reflects the nature and intentions of the person behind it. At the same time it may even give us some worthwhile resources. This is a good combination! So is worth checking out. You will find something there and it is the good energy and compassionate intention of Ulla Mentzel, M.A

Posted in bereavement, buddhism, buddhism, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver support, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, hospice, hospice, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on A Surprising Find

Hospice, Palliative Care, Bereavement, Caregiving

This is our new look at These are exciting times as we are totally revamping that website as well. We are looking for folks to help us with links, event listings, reviews or in any of a number of different ways. Please contact us if you can participate in this project; to help caregivers improve the quality of their day to day work, to help clinicians put their full attention and compassion into their jobs in spite of daunting paperwork and administrative overload, to help the elderly have a fulfilling end of life experience. Please contact us if you can contribute in any way!

Hospice, Palliative Care, Grief, Bereavement,.

Posted in bereavement, buddhism, care giving, caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life care, hospice, hospice, mindfulness, palliative care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Hospice, Palliative Care, Bereavement, Caregiving

Two topical sites w.r.t. end-of-life care

A fascinating article with some other resources and articles at the end:

A new initiative of NHPCO Caring Connections:

Posted in caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, spiritual care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Two topical sites w.r.t. end-of-life care

Prayers for the Dying

We are looking to assemble a directory of prayers that can be used for those who are dying. You can set up the reading space, establish contact and really make a difference! Please post to this blog or contact us.  See our listing of prayers as it exists now…we want to make it much more extensive

Posted in bereavement, buddhism, caregiving, caregiving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, mindfulness, prayers, spiritual care | 1 Comment