What Could I do that was Real in the Face of all that Suffering

Just yesterday I received this email from a friend which seemed important to share.

Several years before working with EJ Gold, I had a personal and direct experience of endless realms of suffering. It became necessary to answer the question of ‘what could I do that was real’ in the face of all that endless suffering.  I was drawn to Bodhisattva path where one chooses to live with dignity and courage and radiates compassion for all, no matter where they find themselves. 

But how does one walk that path of real commitment, which requires seeing the confusion, ignorance, and suffering of oneself and others? It’s messy and deep, to face our ignorance, confusion, fear; we have to look at it, study it, work with it  It begins with a simple willingness to being of service to others and taking responsibility for ourselves. We cannot count on others to do it for us. It is our responsibility.  But we need the tools to accomplish our task.

Quantum Magic Videos

For me, using the Quantum Magic Videos with the power of presence, loving awareness and attention create a field of deep interconnection with others and self-transformation. Recently, I had been experiencing a state of hopelessness and despair due to the deaths occurring with the pandemic. When I began a daily practice of working with the Clear Light QVM for those voyagers known and unknown who are transitioning, I had the experience being surrounded by a field of prayer, like being connected briefly to a universal prayer wheel.

My favorites are Clear Light, Blessings and Protection QMVs.  When I am experiencing personal difficulties, negative emotions, or confusion, I find the Dissolving Radiations videos to be very helpful. I am deeply grateful for the Quantum Magic Videos which empower me to work on myself and to be of service in the world as a daily practice.

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Angels Healing Journey Readings: What is Best for the Being, with Patricia Elizabeth

In this short talk Pat discusses how to do a reading for healing. We all have emotional ties to our loved ones but we can learn to use them to focus our readings rather than get lost in distraction of our own thoughts and needs. Keeping a clear, focused and impartial mindset while reading for another will allow the true freedom of the being to shine through

Labyrinth Readers Society

Angels Healing Journey

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The Story Behind a Remarkable Text for doing Readings in a Christian Context

This is a recent interview with Paul Barry and Patricia Elizabeth as part of the Each Word a Universe project. Our conversation touches on hospice conferences in the 1990s (including the renowned first Art of Dying Conference), pastoral work, online workshops, doing readings for the victims of 911, and how Paul created A Vigil Honoring Ongoing Connections, a Christian based text of readings for those who are dying. We have an extensive listing of other prayers from many spiritual traditions that can be used at the time of and after physical death.

The Blessed Death of St. Joseph
Courtesy of Lawrence OP

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Interesting and Eclectic Podcasts about Death and Dying

I was doing some research the other day and came across an excellent article which lists a wide variety of audio podcasts about many different facets of death and dying. I am especially appreciating The Adventures of Memento Mori. and The Dying Matters Podcast. Enjoy!

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Seeking Ceremony and End of Life Planning

A few websites were suggested by a friend in reference to work that she is doing with the Clear Light Funeral, which we will be writing much more about in the near future.

She says: “The Lantern.co is a very useful resource. Also, Talk of a Lifetime is one resource that I found useful in ‘how to initiate’ conversations about end of life and seeking ceremony specifically addresses creating a meaningful end of life ceremony.”

We found this meaningful quote on the Seeking Ceremony website: “When you don’t know what to say, or how to say it, ceremony is a good place to start.”

Finally, what is the difference between a funeral and a memorial service?
“The mortuary industry on the internet seems to say: “A funeral service typically takes place with the body of the departed present, whereas a memorial service takes place without the actual body present.” It’s also a memorial service when the person’s ashes, or “cremains” are present.
Many people are having zoom memorials. There is a great deal of coordination required. So I started looking for something a little more flexible and yet accessible. Ancestry’s We Remember memory pages are an interesting ‘non-commercial’ way to celebrate a life.”

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How to do a Reading

Listed below are some simple steps to help you in doing a prayer or reading. We don’t presume to tell anyone how to perform his or her spiritual practice. That is a personal matter left to the individual. What we present here are some techniques that we hope will help you in your practice.

Doing a spiritual reading or a prayer is fairly straightforward. The most important factor is your intention. If you want to help someone that’s the most important thing. That’s the big secret. All you really have to do is want to help! Your good wishes will be conveyed with the prayer. The form of the prayer and the way you perform it are not as important as your good intention.

Step 1: Find a place to do the Reading

Find a location where you will not be disturbed for 15 to 20 minutes. It does not need to be a private space – just one where you will not be required to move or interact with others during the Reading.

Step 2: Gather the few materials you will need for the Reading

Gather the following items: 

  • Name of the individual for whom you are reading 
  • Sacred text you will be reading from, such as The American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold
  • Photograph of the individual for whom you are reading (if available)

The name and photograph are used in establishing contact with the Voyager – the individual the Reading is directed to.

For the next 4 steps see: 6 Steps to Doing a Reading

May this be used for the benefit of all beings everywhere. 

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