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Tag Archives: funeral
Labyrinth Readers Course starting in November
Labyrinth Readers Course Free Introductory Meeting Sunday, 17th November at 1pm “Just as a midwife assists birth, the reader of The American Book of the Dead assists voyagers who have passed into the macro-dimensions to attain liberation or to achieve … Continue reading →
Posted in labyrinth readers society, labyrinth reading, prayers for the dying, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan buddhism, tonglen
Tagged american book of the dead, death and dying, end of life care, funeral, spiritual caregiving, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan buddhism
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The Funeral of Death
Nisargadatta and the funeral of death From Gautam Sachdeva: I found echoes of Maharaj in Eckhart Tolles book A New Earth, wherein he says, “When forms that you had identified with, that gave you your sense of self, collapse or … Continue reading →
Posted in advaita vedanta, Death, death and dying, end of life, vedanta, yoga
Tagged buddhism, death and dying, end of life care, funeral, spiritual caregiving, yoga
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‘If death was a marathon you had to run, you’d do a few practice laps’. Kevin Toolis
Another excellent podcast from The Dying Matters Podcast! Kevin Toolis has written a must read book and this podcast talks about his experiences since writing the book.
Posted in bereavement, death and dying, end of life celebration
Tagged bereavement, death and dying, funeral, hospice, wake
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How the Irish Teach us to Live, Love and Die
Here you can listen to Joe Donahue’s interview with Kevin Toolis, author of this fascinating and very instructive book about his experiences in Ireland around the passing of his father. Relevant to all of us, this is not just about the Irish … Continue reading →
Posted in care giving, death and dying, end of life celebration, Hospice care
Tagged death and dying, end of life celebration, funeral, hospice
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Simpler Farewell
An example of an all-natural, biodegradable casket is arranged by Larkspur Conservation’s executive director, John Christian Phifer Courtesy of John Christian Phifer I hope to do a full article on Green Burials but for now will post this NPR article: Tennessee ‘Natural’ … Continue reading →
Posted in death and dying, funeral, funerals, green burial
Tagged death and dying, funeral, green burial
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Just HAD to put this up: The Coffin Club
Posted in death and dying, death and dying, end of life care, funerals
Tagged aging, death and dying, end of life celebration, funeral
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