Everyday Buddhahood: Caregiving as Dharma practice

The teachings of how to be present with your work, cultivate “radical presence” allowing the mind to rest in this particular moment.

This is a talk about the Mahamudra tradition by an experienced Buddhist chaplain. Can be used by Buddhist and non Buddhist caregivers, health care practitioners, therapists and the like. The presentation is comprehensive, relaxed and understandable. Please note, on the website there are 4 talks listed on the right side of the page, any and all are good!

“When we raise children, assist our aging parents, or tend to a sick friend, caregiving offers an opportunity to transform our interactions with others into part of the Buddhist path. In this series, Repa Dorje Odzer (Justin von Bujdoss), a Buddhist teacher and Chief Staff Chaplain for New York City’s Department of Correction, presents advice from the 10th-century Buddhist master Tilopa. When we follow Tilopa’s roadmap for approaching every thought, breath, and action with awareness, we achieve a clarity that will help us tend to others with ease.”

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