Category Archives: care giving

Why do readings for someone who is dead or dying? An examination of the time and timelessness that characterizes physical death.

Why do we do readings? What is it that we are trying to do? If at all, how are we helping? It has taken me years to understand and formulate the basis of the practice of Labyrinth Reading but I … Continue reading

Posted in books of the dead, care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, Labyrinth Readers Society, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Why do readings for someone who is dead or dying? An examination of the time and timelessness that characterizes physical death.

Caregiver Revolution – 2 reviews

We just came across two reviews of our book and would like to make them available to visitors to our site. From Hospice Care, reviewed by Roni Fuller: Caregiver Revolution: 5 Steps to Enlightened Caregiving From New Perspectives, reviewed by … Continue reading

Posted in cancer care, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver, caregiver stress, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, End of Life Care, end of life care, palliative care, spiritual care | Comments Off on Caregiver Revolution – 2 reviews

Thomas Merton’s Prayer That Anyone Can Pray

A short article about Thomas Merton which includes his famous prayer. It reminds one of the Holy Hobo Prayer from a different tradition, but similar in feel: “I don’t know what I am looking for, but I know I’m looking for … Continue reading

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver stress, caregiver support, caregiving, mindfulness, prayers for the dying, prayers for the dying | Comments Off on Thomas Merton’s Prayer That Anyone Can Pray

A very good 10 minute qigong workout

This is called taichi qigong. It is a very good warmup for doing tai chi and also stands on its own as a relatively simple yet very effective qigong workout. I have done some research on this and trust me, … Continue reading

Posted in care giving, care giving, care giving, eldercare, qi gong, qi gong, tai chi, tai chi, tai chi exercises, tai chi exercises | Comments Off on A very good 10 minute qigong workout

Caring for elderly parents from afar? Here are some ideas for making it easier

Here is a good article which might give you some ideas to help with your long distance caregiving. Caring for elderly parents from afar? Here are some ideas for making it easier.

Posted in aging, aging, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver support, caregiving, caregiving, end of life care, senior citizens, spiritual care | Comments Off on Caring for elderly parents from afar? Here are some ideas for making it easier

How ghost hunting made me a better caregiver

How ghost hunting made me a better caregiver for my parents Now this sounds pretty far-out, right? Think we’ve gone off the deep end a bit? Well, of course that happened lonnnnng ago! 🙂 Actually this is a really good … Continue reading

Posted in alzheimers, alzheimers, care giving, care giving, care giving, caregiver support, caregiving, elder care, end of life care, hospice, hospice nursing, spiritual care | Comments Off on How ghost hunting made me a better caregiver