Category Archives: tibetan buddhism

In honour of the Passing of Stephen Levine

  Who Dies? was and continues to be a life changing book for many people. It served to open my eyes to the conscious death and dying movement with such pioneers as Ram Dass, Joan Halifax, Christine Longaker, EJ Gold, … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, death and dying, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, Hospice care, Meditation, palliative care, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on In honour of the Passing of Stephen Levine

Stages of Dying – Dissolution of the Elements

As discussed earlier, when we think of the stages of dying it is easy to get confused with Kubler-Ross’s 5 stages of grieving when facing death which are widely known as “the 5 stages of loss” as put forth by … Continue reading

Posted in death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, mindfulness, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Stages of Dying – Dissolution of the Elements

Why do readings for someone who is dead or dying? An examination of the time and timelessness that characterizes physical death.

Why do we do readings? What is it that we are trying to do? If at all, how are we helping? It has taken me years to understand and formulate the basis of the practice of Labyrinth Reading but I … Continue reading

Posted in books of the dead, care giving, care giving, care giving, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, end of life care, hospice, hospice, hospice care, Labyrinth Readers Society, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Why do readings for someone who is dead or dying? An examination of the time and timelessness that characterizes physical death.

Bhutan’s dark secret to happiness

This is a wonderful  article with, surprisingly, quite a bit of material to contemplate. Why are we so out of touch with death in the west? Well, for a start, because we don’t take a moment to ever even think … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, death and dying, death and dying, end of life, hospice, hospice, prayers for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan buddhism, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Bhutan’s dark secret to happiness

The Treasure of an Enlightened Woman

Wherever there is space, five elements pervade, Wherever the five elements, the homes of living beings, Wherever living beings, karma and defilements, Wherever is defilement, my compassion also. Wherever is the need of beings, there I am to help them. … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, death and dying, prayers for the dying, tibetan buddhism, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on The Treasure of an Enlightened Woman

Evans-Wentz translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead – original translation – online and free access. A gem. This text and the instructions about doing the readings of it are the basis of the Labyrinth Readers Society. We have just updated things a … Continue reading

Posted in buddhism, buddhism, death and dying, death and dying, End of Life Care, end of life care, Labyrinth Readers Society, prayers for the dying, readings for the dying, spiritual care, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan book of the dead, tibetan buddhism | Comments Off on Evans-Wentz translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead