Each Word a Universe – Table of Contents

Since 1974, the first time a reading from the American Book of the Dead was offered to help another being “in transit” or passing, we have been collecting stories about the often remarkable events and results surrounding the practice of reading for the benefit of another. In this section of our website we endeavor to share some of these stories and show how the practice of doing readings or showing simple compassion and presence has guided and enlivened the space around transitions, crises and/or the passing of many individuals.

Dedication and Introduction


Why Am I Here?

Labyrinth Readers’ Experiences

Letter from a Terminal Patient

Jim’s Story

Mortuary Experiences

Personal Experience with Death

Health Crisis

Litany of Lives that Matter

Fire Crisis

Reading as like Children’s Stories

My Experience with the ABD at the Halifax Airport

My Experience with Reading from the American Book of the Dead

Tiny Bereft Landscapes