Videos for Healing Work
Caregiver Revolution Pages
- 6 Steps to Doing a Reading
- A Christian Reading Vigil
- Christian Reading Vigil – First Stage: Days 1 through 7
- Christian Reading Vigil – Second Stage: Days 8 through 20
- Christian Reading Vigil – Third Stage: Days 21 through 49
- Christian Reading Vigil: Addendum, Prayers for the Dead and Dying
- Christian Reading Vigil: Reading Instructions
- What is a Reading Vigil?
- About
- Caregiver Resources
- Caregiver Tips
- Caregiving Redefined
- Each Word a Universe – Table of Contents
- A Peaceful Passing
- Each Word a Universe, Dedication and Introduction
- Fire Crisis
- Grief as a Catalyst in the Search for Meaning
- Health Crisis
- Jim’s Story
- Labyrinth Reader’s Experiences
- Letter from A Terminal Patient
- Litany of Lives that Matter
- Mortuary Experiences
- My Experience with the ABD at the Halifax Airport
- My Work with the American Book of the Dead Readings
- Personal Experience with Death
- Preface
- Reading as like Children’s Stories
- Tiny, Bereft Landscapes
- Why am I Here?
- End of Life Matters
- Exercises
- Fin de la vida importa
- The Great Adventure Newsletter
- Death Through Gaming
- End of Life Planning: A Modest Proposal
- End of Life, Death and Dying, Bereavement Conferences
- ADEC Association for Death Education and Counseling Conference
- Facing Death and Finding Hope: Spiritual Care of the Dying
- GWish Conference
- Highlights from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Conference
- Life Story telling workshops
- NECLT Conference on Loss and Transition
- Panel discussion – The Use of Prayer and Mindfulness in Healthcare
- Spirituality and Healing in Medicine Conference
- Hospice, Bereavement, Spiritual Care Book Reviews
- 3 Book Reviews: Dying: Facing the Facts, Why We Live After Death and Dying 101
- A Beautiful and Instructive End of Life Story
- A Review of Awakening the Buddha Within
- All Kinds of Love: Experiencing Hospice
- American Book of the Dead Review
- Bereavement – Counseling the Grieving Throughout the Lifecycle
- Lessons From the Dying, a review
- Living in the Light of Death, a Review
- Review: The Guided Imagery Workbook: A Comprehensive Framework
- Reviews: Concerning Death and The American Book of the Dead
- The Wheel of Life, A Memoir of Living & Dying by E. Kubler-Ross
- NHO Spiritual Care Conference: A Conversation with Phyllis Silverman
Caregiver Headlines